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I.T.A.M.A._CAP - ICT Tool per la diagnosi di malattie Autoimmuni nell’Area Mediterranea_PROGETTO DI CAPITALIZZAZIONE
Project in Numbers
Duration: 9 months
Start Date: 01.01.2023
End Date: 30.09.2023
N. Partner: 3
Project progress:
Total Budget: 902.805,10 €
of which ERDF Contribution: 767.384,34 €
Project summary
I.T.A.M.A._CAP capitalizes on the results obtained by the I.T.A.M.A. project through the use of the best practices developed for the early diagnosis of celiac disease by the takers of the project, namely the health services of Sicily and the schools of Malta.
The project therefore aims to obtain additional results through:
- Apply on a regional (Sicily) / national (Malta) scale the procedures and tools developed and validated with ITAMA
- Further increase the database collected with ITAMA
- Highlight the expected submerged percentage of the celiac population and any differences in the prevalence of adults/children
- Explore the possibility of avoiding biopsy where possible also on the adult population
These additional results will lead to an improvement in the quality of life of patients (reduction of symptoms, reduction of medical visits / instrumental examinations carried out, reduction of lost working days, improvement of social relationships) and a significant reduction in costs for the NHS.
Expected results:
2 Healthcare enterprises involved in the project that adopt in an experimental phase the tools and procedures developed in the ITAMA project.
Activities and Objectives
The aim of the I.T.A.M.A._CAP project is to capitalize and extend the previous experience in a larger population with heterogeneous characteristics (young people and adults), through the network of MG Doctors in Sicily, the schools of Malta and the same network of the ITAMA project transforming the results into a consolidated heritage of health services
The project activities will realize:
- 2 companies \ health facilities involved (Policlinico di Palermo and Mater Dei Hospital of Malta) whose health personnel will use the software tools developed in the ITAMA project
- 25,000 subjects who will undergo screening for celiac disease; for the 1,500 Sicilian subjects thanks to the support of General Practitioners, and for the 1,000 Maltese subjects through the schools of Malta
Project Partners
Project Lead Partner:
- Università degli Studi di Palermo - DiFC- PROMISE
Project Partners:
- Università degli Studi di Enna “KORE” - "Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura"
- Minister of Health, Malta Health Department
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