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Project in Numbers
Duration: 42 month
Start date:: 01.03.2018
End Date: 28.08.2021
Partner N.: 4
Project progress :
Total Budget: 1.309.344 €
ERDF Contribution: 1.112.943 €
Project Summary
NEWS addresses the problem of mitigating the sea risks caused by erosion and due to both natural and anthropic factors
The project carries out an integrated system of monitoring and adaptation to the risks coming from the sea, with the aim of indicating to the population with adequate advance the possibility of flooding, erosion of sandy shores and collapse of cliffs and to activate safeguard measures to avoid damage to the people
Expected Results:
5000 Sq Kms of coastal area covered by an integrated monitoring system for the reduction of natural risks linked to the wave motion action and its effects on the coasts
Activities and Objectives
NEWS project aims to give a proper solution to the problem of mitigating the sea risks
Project activities will realize:
1 Network of wavemeter buoy for the wave motion monitoring
1 Network fir the areal monitoring constituted by Radar HF SeaSonde stations for surface mainstream monitoring
1 oastal monitoring system composed of a Drone equipped with LIDAR, HD camera and GPS system 5.000 sq. kms area covered by an alert informatic system, emergency intervention and assistance to the population
1 Informative app on the usability of the coastal sections and of the Sicilian Channel
70 sq. kms of area covered by monitoring systems, early warning and catastrophes from the sea risk adaptation
Project Partners
Project Lead Partner
Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore" Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura/Laboratorio di Geotecnica e Dinamica dei terreni
Project Partners
Università degli Studi di Catania Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Architettura
University of Malta Faculty of Science/ Department of Geosciences
Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa - Settore VI - Ambiente e Geologia
Project Documents
Scheda NEWS_EN_
1 file(s)
254.68 KB
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