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SenHAR - Campagne di sensibilizzazione per una armonizzazione Italo-Maltese per un buono stato dell’ambiente
Project in Numbers
Duration: 37 months
Start date: 15.11.2020
End Date: 13.05.2023
Partner N.: 3
Project progress:
Total Budget: 799.841,80 €
ERDF Contribution of which: 679.865,53 €
Project summary
The SenHAR project aims to transfer the results obtained with the HARMONY project (financed within the previous program notice) and make them functional, making them know to specific target groups.
This goal will be realized through awareness campaigns and promotion of the issues related to Natura 2000 sites (N2K) of the cross-border area subject to the monitoring of HARMONY project (Cape Gallo Isola delle Femmine and Fondali Isola di Capo Passero in Sicily, fil-Bahar fil-Grigal ta' in Malta).
SenHAR will make it possible to create awareness of the importance of biodiversity in everyday life thanks to the consciousness of the population and this in order to ensure its effective protection. The SenHAR awareness campaign will transfer to final users an easy and technical-free science of biodiversity conservation and management, drawing attention using ITC tools and creative ideas, in order to generate consideration on problems and encourage action and the desire to change those habits that threaten biodiversity.
Expected results:
Through the creation of a circular approach to knowledge transfer and awareness-raising, SenHAR will raise cross-border awareness of the challenges common to Italian and Maltese coastal communities and the common threats to trans frontier biodiversity.
Objectives and activities
The overall objective of SenHAR is to raise awareness among the final users about: the importance of halting the loss of marine biodiversity in protected areas(N2K) in the cross-border area, the dynamics governing the integrity of the marine ecosystems to be protected and the threats to be faced in order to preserve natural heritage and biodiversity for future generations.
The SenHAR awareness campaign will allow to act quickly, know the consequences, create awareness, and generate a feeling of transnational belonging.
The project activities will carry out:
6 SenHAR observation points/information on biodiversity in focal areas through traditional and digital billboards (infographics/captions).
2 awareness campaigns "P like Pesce (Fish), not Plastic!" to give knowledge of Harmony's results to the target groups of Habitats 1110 and 1170 (Capo Gallo Isola delle Femmine, Fondali Isola di Capo Passero e fil-Bahar fil-Grigal ta'), since they are threatened by human activities (fishing and plastic);
1 Gaming "Ti misuro" termoblitz SenHAR to enhence the knowledge of the effects of temperature on biodiversity and raise public awareness about the correct use of the sites and learn the rules of sustainable tourism.
Project Partners
Project Lead Partner:
Università di Palermo - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DISTEM)
Project Partners:
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino
University of Malta - Department of Geosciences
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Università degli Studi di Palermo
Piazza Marina, 61 – 90133, Palermo
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